Sunday, Feb 09, 2025

Engineering / IT

OIT Faculty and Students Learn from Tech Entrepreneurs at BSCF 2019

October 04, 2019

Faculty and students from Olivet Institute of Technology (OIT) participated in the Berkeley Stanford China Forum 2019 held at Mountain View, CA on Sept. 28-29. BSCF is one of the largest student-run tech conferences in the United States jointly hosted by Berkeley and Stanford student organizations, alumni networks, and entrepreneurship centers.

The event featured speakers who are at the forefront of tech innovation and entrepreneurship around the globe. It gives students, startup founders and investors a platform to share, connect and be inspired.

Steve Jurvetson, Board Member at Tesla, Space X, and Managing Director & Founder at Future Ventures, Julie Zhuo, VP Product Design at Facebook, Aparna C, VP Product at Google AR/VR/Lens and Mike Kail, Ex-CIO at Netflix, were some of the entrepreneurs that were invited to give a talk during the forum. OIT students received great insights from the talks.

"One of the topics in the event was 'Four Steps for Successful Entrepreneurship.' First, know what you want to do. Secondly, always challenge yourself in uncomfortable settings. Thirdly, manage your time well and do readings and research. Fourthly, train yourself in fundraising and building teams. The talk was extremely helpful," shared an OIT student.

Students were also updated with many current trends in technology and entrepreneurship such as artificial intelligence, finance technology, auto driving, venture capital, and cloud funding.

OIT assistant professor Thomas Kong said, "OIT utilizes the resources in Silicon Valley to equip students with the current trends in technology to help them minister for God's Kingdom in the field of technology effectively."

Events / Calendar
  • Feb 17

    President's Day

  • Feb 27

    Deadline to withdraw courses

  • Feb 27

    Thursday Last day to apply for Winter quarter Leave of Absence

  • Mar 19

    Last day of classes

  • Mar 20

    Final exam period