Sunday, Feb 09, 2025


OTCS Motivates Online Learning with New Testament I Course

May 16, 2020

Olivet Theological College & Seminary‘s New Testament I weekly online class has been helping seminary students to keep up their enthusiasm for learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students in the class logged in from the United States, Korea, China, and Australia. Students first watched a lecture video accompanied by a guided discussion with the professor. Professor Dr. Rachael Mak explained how to write an exegesis paper which is not the same as a sermon script. The purpose of an exegesis paper is academic in nature, focusing on the meaning of each verse and the original Hebrew or Greek text.

M.Div. student Livy Disla finds the live chat very helpful for her to understand the requirement of the course and how to get started with her term paper.

“We hope to keep students engaged by doing a weekly live meeting. Students have the opportunity to communicate freely on the subject matter and share their study progress. I think this is very crucial to help them succeed in the course and meet the learning goals under the pandemic,“ shared Dr. Mak.

As the world copes with the current pandemic, Olivet Theological College & Seminary is finding ways to to keep students focused and motivated throughout the online program.

Events / Calendar
  • Feb 17

    President's Day

  • Feb 27

    Deadline to withdraw courses

  • Feb 27

    Thursday Last day to apply for Winter quarter Leave of Absence

  • Mar 19

    Last day of classes

  • Mar 20

    Final exam period